Crucial Millage Campaign Needs Your Support

The most significant source of funding for the library is a ten year millage. A critical way FOELPL (Friends of the East Lansing Public Library) supports the library is to campaign for millage renewal, which comes up this year. As a publicly funded entity, the library itself cannot engage in this campaign. The Friends have established a ballot committee (Citizens for the East Lansing Public Library) and provided funds to get the renewal campaign started. Now what is needed is YOU!

The Citizens committee needs volunteers to strategize, place yard signs, communicate by various means, go door to door, and more. If you love the East Lansing Public Library and don’t want to lose it, please get involved in renewing the millage that supports it. Stay tuned for more information about how to support the ballot committee.


Refreshed Kids Nook


Celebrate National Library Week, April 3-9, 2022