President’s Message

January 2023 - Last year was a huge challenge for the Friends of the East Lansing Public Library (FOELPL); workspace decreases, accounting overhaul, storage downsizing, volunteer transitions and opening the shop after the COVID shutdown to name a few. To say our volunteers have been amazing would be minimizing all that they do. The FOELPL volunteers, be they Board Memembers and/or Shop or General Volunteers, have stepped up grandly to solve and work around the large number of changes we encountered.

Rather than focus on the negative aspects, I would like to focus on our achievements.

-We have been growing our customer base and sales back closer to pre-COVID levels. Donors have stepped up as well and we have realized an increase in cash donations to help us improve our revenue numbers. Thank you!

-Though we can no longer accept large donations, the volunteers process the two at a time bags and boxes daily and keep the shop full and looking beautiful.

-Our eBay and Etsy sales continue to provide much needed revenue.

-Joan Fairey, our long-time dynamo volunteer was honored with a tea and will have an interactive statue placed in the newly created Children’s Garden in her honor - hopefully in 2023.

-It was exciting to achieve a long-term goal of mine to have a FOELPL website, separate from the library’s website. This will broaden our reach in many ways.

-Used Purse Sale happening on Saturday, February 25, 2023 from 10am to 5pm, in the library meeting room. Donations of used purses are being accepted in the purple bin outside the Friendshop.

-The Friends of ELPL have continued financial support of the library:

  • A donation of $40,000 was given to the library in Fiscal Year 2023.

  • Continuation of our payment for the annual Book Page Subscription

  • The success of the recent milage renewal campaign, which allows the library to continue operating, was financially supported wholly by the FOELPL.

We remain dedicated to supporting our wonderful library. But please know, that without the generous donations of our supporters, our outcome would be severely diminished. Your belief in our work makes the difference between being a little help or being a huge help to the East Lansing Public Library. It is a jewel in our community and its impact is immeasurable.

I hope 2023 brings you joy and health. Thank you!

-Friends President Maureen McCabe-Power


ELPL’s Millage Renewed for Ten More Years!


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